01. knock knock
02. plate dance [the phonemes]
03. the mountains at night [the mountains + the trees]
04. oberkampf
05. april, let’s send his colleagues an e-mail [the phonemes]
06. goodbye, little town [the mountains + the trees]
07. i live a lot of places
08. he died [the phonemes]
09. more & more & more [the mountains + the trees]
10. an entanglement of weeds
11. pain perdu [the phonemes]
12. winter blues [the mountains + the trees]
13. …and as the ship went down, you’d never looked finer
14. la mer [charles trenet] (w/ the phonemes)
15. up & down [the mountains + the trees]
16. orphan girl [gillian welch] (all together now …)